Valencia City Council has been holding theInternational Wind Band Contest “City of Valencia”, hereinafter the CIBM, themost important such contest in the world, since the late nineteenth century.
The purpose of the CIBM is to promote and encouragemusical activity as a fundamental part of our cultural heritage, maintainingthis tradition, and to give Valencians access to a rich, diverse program ofmusical activities.
It is within this framework that the Valencia CityCouncil establishes the rules which will govern the 136th edition of the CIBM in2024, on a competitive basis and in accordance with the stipulations of section17 of Spanish Law 38/2003 of 17 November, the General Subsidies Law.
1. This edition of the CIBM will be regulated by thestipulations of: Spanish Law 38/2003 of 17 November, the General Subsidies Law;Spanish Royal Decree 887/2006 of 21 July, which governs the Regulation of theGeneral Subsidies Law; and the Second Additional Provision of the GeneralSubsidies Ordinance of Valencia City Council and its Public Bodies, as well asthe contents of this rules document.
2. The CIBM prizes will becompatible with other subsidies, grants or income for the same purpose, issuedby any public administration or public or private bodies, whether national,based in the European Union, or international.
The funds for the prizes ofthis edition of the CIBM, in accordance with the amounts detailed in section 12of this document, will be charged to the budget line BP630 33020 48100 “TRANSF.PREMIOS, BECAS, PENS, ESTUD. INVESTIG.” or equivalent, for a total amount ofSEVENTY-ONE THOUSAND EUROS (€71,000).
1. The funds given to the windbands taking part in the CIBM 2024, the amount of which will be determined whenthe participation draw is finalized, in accordance with the amounts detailed insection 11 of this document, will be charged to the budget line BP630 3302022609 “ACTIV. CULTURALES Y DEPORTIVAS” or equivalent.
2. The funds given to members of the jury of theCIBM 2024, in accordance with the amounts detailed in section 17 of thisdocument, will be charged to the budget line BP630 33020 22609 “ACTIV.CULTURALES Y DEPORTIVAS " or equivalent.
The CIBM will take place on 18, 19, 20 and 21 July2024, in the Palau de la Música of the city of Valencia.
Each of the different divisions taking part in thisedition of the CIBM will perform on the following days:
The Organizing Committee is the CIBM’s governing body,responsible for planning, organizing, executing and coordinating specific tasksto develop the CIBM.
The Executive Committee reports directly to theOrganizing Committee and is responsible for the technical and artistic directionof the CIBM as well as the secretariat, coordination of internal and externalrelationships, logistics and producing the event.
1. Amateur wind bands may takepart in the CIBM.
Consequently, wind bands,instrumental groups or artistic groups belonging to conservatories orprofessional music schools cannot take part. Also barred from entry are windbands formed solely to take part in the CIBM and those composed of a selectionof musicians from a particular municipality, region or area. Moreover, youthwind bands are also unable to take part.
Upon the OrganizingCommittee’s request, bands will have to supply evidence of their amateur statusby means of a sworn declaration signed by the wind band’s representative.
2. In accordance withthe stipulations of section 13 of Spanish Law 38/2003 of 17 November, andsection 27 of the Regulation which governs said law, wind bands which complywith the specific participation requirements detailed in these rules cannotreceive any of the CIBM prizes if any of the reasons for exclusion listed inthe aforementioned legislation apply to them.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to issue aformal invitation to those foreign amateur wind bands who apply to participatein the CIBM, granting them immediate entry without having to take part in thedraw for a place. The Committee will respect the quotas detailed in section 9of these rules.
In the event more foreign bands apply to take partthan may participate in each division, the Organizing Committee will decidewhich bands will take part, taking into account their quality and history.
Direct invitations to foreign bands are justified bytheir being in the public interest to preserve the international character of the event.
2. To constitute a division there must beat least two (2) bands competing in it; registration alone will not suffice.Should only one (1) band register in a division within the registration periodstipulated in these rules, this band will be encouraged to participate eitherin the preceding or subsequent division. If there is only one (1) band in adivision due to the withdrawal of the others, the division will be cancelledfor competition purposes and the remaining band can withdraw from the CIBMwithout penalty.
3. In both Division Three and Division Two, three(3) places will be reserved for foreign bands or Spanish bands from outside theAutonomous Region of Valencia, and three (3) places will be reserved for bandsfrom the Autonomous Region of Valencia. In Division One and the HonoraryDivision, one (1) place will be reserved for a foreign band, and another one(1) for a Spanish band from outside of the Autonomous Region of Valencia or,depending on which bands register to take part, two (2) foreign bands or two (2)Spanish bands from outside the Autonomous Region of Valencia, and three (3)places for bands from the Autonomous Region of Valencia. In the HonoraryDivision, when deciding which bands will be allowed to participate in the CIBM,priority will be given to the registered bands which have taken part in theCIBM the greatest number of times during the last 25 editions of the CIBM, aswell as their results during said appearances. Unfilled places which werereserved for foreign bands, or Spanish bands from outside the Autonomous Regionof Valencia, will be occupied by bands from the Autonomous Region of Valencia.Likewise, places reserved for bands from the Autonomous Region of Valenciawhich are not filled will be occupied by foreign bands and Spanish bands fromoutside the Autonomous Region of Valencia. In the event of there being a freeplace in the division next to that in which bands have registered, theOrganizing Committee (before the participation draw for the division in whichthe bands have registered takes place) can encourage the bands registered inthis division to take part in the next division. If various bands accept theoffer, there will be a draw to decide which of them is given the free place.
1. The order in which theparticipating bands perform will be decided by public draw.
2. At the beginning of theirperformance, each wind band may play a piece of music chosen from among thosesuggested by the Organizing Committee on the day of the public draw. Thisperformance will be outside of the official competition, will take place on thestage and will be around five (5) minutes long.
3. For the official competition, each band will perform thecompulsory pieces chosen by the Organizing Committee, and a free-choice piece.Bands must first perform the compulsory piece or pieces in the order stipulatedby the Organizing Committee, and then the free-choice piece. Valencia CityCouncil does not assume responsibility for any legal matters that may arise asa result of the use made of the free-choice pieces by participating bands.
4. The length of the free-choice piece will be as follows:
Exceeding the maximum times orfalling short of the minimum times detailed above may be penalized by the juryby the deduction of the following points from a band’s final score:
1. The stage on and facilitiesin which the CIBM will take place will be the same for all bands participatingin the same division.
The facilities will be thesole responsibility of the Organizing Committee and no changes may be made tothem by anyone other than the Committee.
When performing their pieces,participating bands will be obliged to use the instruments provided by the CIBMOrganizing Committee (piano, harp, celesta and percussion instruments such askettledrums, xylophone, bass drum, etc.). Appendix I of these rules contains aclear list of each instrument the Organizing Committee will loan toparticipating bands for the CIBM.
2. Prior to the CIBM,participating bands may request permission from the CIBM organizers to performa technical test of the instruments with which they will be supplied for themusicians who must use them.
Valencia City Council will pay participating bands thefollowing amounts for their performance:
The total value of the prizes awarded by Valencia CityCouncil is seventy-one thousand euros (€71,000), which will be distributed, inaccordance with the jury’s scoring, as follows:
The artistic director and representatives ofparticipating bands are obliged to go up onto the stage to receive any prizeswon. The CIBM organizers will convene all the representatives and conductors onstage for the announcement of the results and will give each participating banda certificate of participation and public thanks. Bands whose representativesdo not go up on stage to receive their prizes will only receive 50% of the cashprize won.
Prior to receiving their prizes, the recipients mustbe up-to-date with their tax and social security obligations, as well as anyMunicipal Tax Authority obligations. To this end, by participating in the CIBMbands give their express consent to allow Valencia City Council to requestdetails electronically from the Social Security and Tax Authorities regardingthe status of their contributions.
When issuing the prizes the current Spanishlegislation regarding income tax will be taken into account so any appropriatedeductions can be made.
Prizes will be paid via banktransfer to the account details provided by the beneficiaries on the “Solicitudde Alta y Mantenimiento en el fichero de personas acreedores, cesionarias,terceras y personal propio” (“Application to create or update a record forcreditors, assignees, third parties and staff members”) form, whichparticipating bands can find on the Valencia City Council web portal.
1. The registrationperiod will be ten business days from the date of publication of the notice ofthe contest in the BOP (Official Provincial Gazette).
2. Registration will becompleted through a specific application form which will be available on theValencia City Council web portal.
3. In their application, inaddition to the information detailed in section 66 of the LPAC, bands muststate their chosen division, the title of their free-choice piece, its length,composer and, where appropriate, the transcriber (only transcriptions of pieceswhose use has been authorized by the copyright holder will be admitted), aswell as the title of the piece of music they will perform outside thecompetition. Applications must be accompanied by a recent photograph and ahistory of the band that focuses on the last ten years (including details suchas participation in competitions or contests, prizes won, recordings made,festivals they have taken part in, etc.) and a biography of the conductor.
During the registrationperiod, the compulsory pieces for each division will be available to all bandsat the CIBM Office (located on Avenida del Cid, 37 – accesorio), where bandscan also make any other enquiries about the CIBM.
1. Before a preselection ofregistered bands takes place, each of them will be informed of the date andvenue of the participation draw, in which bands will be drawn from among thoseregistered and preselected, in the event that the number of bands registered inany division exceeds the quota detailed in these rules.
2. After the first draw, theorder in which the participating bands will perform will be decided by a seconddraw. During the same meeting the compulsory-piece scores will also be handedout.
3. Bands not drawn to takepart may participate in the following year’s edition of the CIBM by reserving aplace in the appropriate division. Should more than one band be excluded fromthe same division, the band which receives the place will be chosen by draw.
4. Bands which, onceregistered and included in the draw, do not participate in the competition,except in cases where there is a serious and justified reason understood by theOrganizing Committee, will be banned from taking part in the CIBM for a periodof three consecutive years.
The Committee will adopt appropriate measures toprovide information, and send and receive the equipment of both the Spanish andforeign bands taking part in the CIBM.
Participating bands must submit the followingdocumentation:
“Solicitud de Alta yMantenimiento en el fichero de personas acreedoras, cesionarias, terceras ypersonal propio” form. Before 12 March 2024 via the Valencia CityCouncil web portal.
“A history of the band andbiography of its conductor, in digital format (Word document), a maximum of 300words each”. Before 12 March 2024 to
“Six original copies of theband’s free-choice score. If any of the pieces is a transcription it must beaccompanied by written permission for the use of the piece from its copyrightholder.” Before 10 March 2024 to the CIBM Offices (located at Av. delCid, 37 – accesorio).
“A certified list of theparticipating musicians as referenced in section 16, point 3 of these rules”. Before 24 June 2024 to the CIBM Offices (located atAv. del Cid, 37 – accesorio).
The following points regulate the activities of theparticipating bands' members:
1. A Supervision Committee will be set up that will becomposed of members appointed by the Federation of Musical Societies for theAutonomous Region of Valencia (hereinafter FSMCV) and one delegate from eachparticipating band.
The Supervision Committee will be the body in chargeof overseeing and supervising the members of the participating bands. For thispurpose, the Supervision Committee will be empowered to adopt all measuresnecessary in order to carry out investigation, supervision, and monitoringactivities, and to request and obtain any documents they deem necessary fromthe participating bands.
Musicians will be identified by the display of theiroriginal national identification document or another official original documentwhich accredits their identity.
2. The FSMCV will only carry out said supervision activities, applying theMembership Criteria (chapter III) established in the “Contest Regulations” inforce at the time, in the divisions of the CIBM in which only bands whichbelong to the FSMCV are taking part.
3. In divisions in which bands which are FSMCV membersand bands from elsewhere (both overseas bands and Spanish bands from outsidethe Autonomous Region of Valencia) are performing, the supervision system willbe determined by the FSMCV and will be based on the accreditation of amusician’s effective and real membership of a band.
To accredit the real andeffective membership of its musicians, bands must send, before 24 June 2024, acertified list of their musicians (listing their name, place of birth, NationalID card/passport number and musical instrument) issued by the band secretaryalong with the president’s approval. Said list must contain a maximum number ofmusicians as follows:
4. The FSMCV will provide theOrganizing Committee with a report concerning the status of the participatingbands and any incidents involving them that may occur before each division isjudged.
All bands should be inValencia, at the designated place, on the day of their performance in goodtime, and at least one hour in advance of their performance, in accordance withthe Organizers' schedule.
Bands that are not in the CIBMvenue at the time of their performance will be automatically eliminated fromthe competition and will be penalized as described in section 14.4 of theserules.
1. The musical performanceswill be evaluated by a jury made up of five renowned experts from the musicworld, Spaniards and/or foreigners, appointed by the President of theOrganizing Committee, following the suggestions of the Organizing Committee,after studying the qualifications and suitability of the candidates. In turn, apresident of the jury will be chosen from among its members.
2. Each member of the jury,individually, will begin by scoring the performance of the compulsory piece asfollows:
For each of the four criteriadescribed in section 17.3 of these rules, each member of the jury will give 0to 10 points, with half points allowed. The total of the points given for eachof the four criteria (tuning, quality of tone and dynamics, interpretation, andrhythmic accuracy) will not be greater than 40 points for each member of thejury, and the maximum overall total points that can be received from the wholejury will be 200 points.
Subsequently, the jury willproceed to evaluate, using identical criteria, the free-choice piece.
The final score will be thetotal of all the scores for each of the pieces performed, both the free-choiceand compulsory pieces, and will determine the recipients of the correspondingprizes.
These prizes cannot be sharednor declared void. In the case of a tie between two bands with the greatestnumber of points, the members of the jury will decide, by majority vote, whichband will receive the prize.
3. The criteria taken intoaccount when evaluating the performances of the compulsory and free-choicepieces will be, in accordance with the stipulations of section 18.5, “ArtisticQuality”, of the General Subsidies Ordinance of Valencia City Council, as follows:
4. The decision of the jury,which will be certified and not open to appeal, will be made public when allthe bands in each division have finished their performances. The final resultsand details of the votes given by each member of the jury for all the participatingbands will be published on the website
5. Valencia City Council willpay each of the five members of the jury the amount of €3,000, withholdingsincluded, for their participation.
When the members of the juryare chosen they must sign and accept the clauses of the document which detailthe conditions of their work, for the sake of professional ethics, transparencyand to prevent conflicts of interest.
These conditions include apromise that the jury members do not and have not had a professionalrelationship or directed any of the participating bands, nor have they formedpart of their respective artistic groups. Moreover, jury members promise not toadvise the wind bands taking part in the different divisions, nor collaboratewith them artistically or professionally for a period of two years after theCIBM in which they took part as a jury member.
6.The President of the Jury will moderate and order the voting. The members of the jury may not deliberate before voting.
The Organizing Committeewill take all steps necessary to ensure that the CIBM takes place as planned,reserving the right to modify the dates and/or venues listed in these rules dueto technical or security reasons or as a result of other events in the city.Should a performance have to be postponed or interrupted (by just cause only),the Organizing Committee will arrange a performance at a later date or cancelthe performance. Said justified postponement or cancellation will not grant anyparticipating bands the right to make a claim or demand compensation.
Once they have been provedresponsible, bands whose members disturb the proceedings of the CIBM or whichdo not accept the decisions made by the Organizing Committee may be penalizedby the Organizing Committee by being banned from taking part in the CIBM for aperiod of five to ten years.
In the event of thePresident’s absence or illness, they will appoint the person who is to takeover their organizational responsibilities.
It is the responsibility ofthe Organizing Committee, acting through their Executive Committee, tointerpret the rules in this document as well as to resolve any incidents whichmay arise during the organization and duration of the CIBM.
To proceed to the recognitionof the prizes and their payment, the Councilor for Cultural Action, Heritageand Cultural Resources, in view of the jury’s final decisions, will draw up aproposal for the concession of the prizes for the Local Government Board.
The agreement which approvesthe concession of the prizes by Valencia City Council concludes theadministrative proceedings. The agreement which approves the prizes must bepublished on the CIBM website ( and on the Valencia CityCouncil web portal.
An appeal for reconsiderationmay be lodged against said agreement in the period of one month counted fromthe day after the receipt of the notification of the resolution. Alternativelya contentious-administrative appeal can be submitted directly to theContentious-Administrative Jurisdiction in the period of two months countedfrom the day after the receipt of the notification of the resolution.
The organizers of the CIBMcommit to working with the artistic director of the band which wins theHonorary Division, allowing said winning director to take part in the executionof a concert program with the Valencia Municipal Wind Band as a guest director,within the Band’s programming for the 2024/2025 season.
If the winning artistic director expressly renounces said opportunity, thedirector of the bands which won second and third prize, respectively, who willtake the place of the director who has renounced the opportunity.
The wind bands which win in the Honorary Division and Divisions One, Two andThree of this edition of the CIBM will give a concert, and will be paid to doso. The details of the celebration and features of said concert will be definedTWO months in advance of the event. It will be held in the Palau de la Músicade Valencia, be part of the 2024/2025 season, and take the form and meet therequirements established by the OAM Palau de la Música.
In the event of an express withdrawal by the band that is entitled to participate in the concert series, the group that has obtained the second and third prizes,respectively, will take the place of the band that withdraws.
The CIBM organization undertakes to propose the participating bands, in the honorary section, to any cultural actions, festivals or similar events that are planned in collaboration with other administrations or public organizations through the corresponding agreements, with the aim of promoting and helping the band movement.
Registering to take part inthis edition of the CIBM implies the full acceptance of the rules contained inthis document, as well as the irrevocable decisions of the jury.
The CIBM organizers reservethe right to modify these rules or make decisions on matters not provided forin the same, for reasons in the public interest which will contribute to theCIBM’s success, and will notify the participating bands of any such changes ordecisions.
The data recorded by theparticipants will be collected and processed according to Spanish Organic Law3/2018 of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee ofdigital rights.
The CIBM notice will be published in accordance with the stipulations ofsection 18 of the General Subsidies Ordinance of Valencia City Council and itsPublic Bodies, as well as on the Valencia City Council’s web portal, withoutprejudice to the publicity which, through communications media and othermethods, the Organizing Committee carries out to better publicize the CIBM.
List of percussion instruments made available by theOrganizing Committee to bands taking part in the CIBM:
· 1. SET OF 5 KETTLEDRUMS (professionalmodel: 20" 23" 26" 29" 32")
· 2. 2 CONCERT BASS DRUMS (largeand medium suspended symphonic model)
· 3. GLOCKENSPIEL (withoutpedal)
· 4. GLOCKENSPIEL (with pedal)
· 5. VIBRAPHONE (3 octaves 1/2 withvibration motor)
· 6. XYLOPHONE (4 octaves)
· 7. MARIMBA (5 octaves)
· 9. TAM-TAM (40”)
· 10. GONG (32’’)
· 11. TUNED CASTANETS (2 octaves)
· 14. BABY GRAND PIANO (includingtuning)
· 16. HARP (with spare strings)