Agrupació Musical Santa Cecilia D'Ador

Agrupació Musical Santa Cecilia D'Ador


The band was founded towards the end of the nineteenth century, although the exact date remains unknown.

Before it was registered in the Valencian registry of Civil Society Organizations (1981) and admitted to the Valencian Federations of Music Associations (FSMCV), oral testimony shows that Albert Mascarell, Bernat Mascarell, Merrias del Real de Gandia, Josep Nadal, Vicent Sanchis de Lorxa and Àngel Martínez had been the band's conductors.

In 2004, Ramon Garcia i Soler took up the baton and brought about a considerable improvement in the technical level of the band. In 2007 the band recorded a CD and took part in the 31st Provincial Wind Band Contest, where they won second prize, and the 4th National Wind Band Contest in Almàssera, where they won first prize and honorable mention.

Furthermore, the FSMCV awarded the band the 2008 EUTERPE music prize for its CD, Moment de festa, in the category Best Music Recording 2007.

In 2010 the band won the 8th Altea la Vella Festival Music Contest and also won second prize in the 34th Provincial Wind Band Contest. In 2011 they received first prize in the 35th Provincial Wind Band Contest.

Moreover, in July 2011, they won first prize and honorable mention in the 125th International Wind Band Contest "City of Valencia". This prize is the band's most significant achievement to date. In 2012 the band took part in the first concert in Les Bandes a les Arts concert series in the Palau de les Arts in Valencia.


Ramón García I Soler

Ramon Garcia i Soler was born in Atzeneta d'Albaida (Valencia) in 1971. He studied at the Alicante "Óscar Esplà" Superior Conservatory of Music, where he graduated with a degree in guitar, tutored by José Tomás, and attended courses given by David Russell and Leo Brouwer, among others.

In 1988 he began attending classes taught by the guitarist, José L. González. He later went on to study composition, taught by Juan E. Canet, while also attending numerous seminars in conducting, music education and music for cinema.

He has composed over 70 works, the majority of them for wind band, making numerous recordings and composing sound tracks for short films and television. His works have been performed by renowned groups in Spain, Cuba, Argentina and Holland. Worthy of particular note are his prizes, including the prize he received in the processional march composition contest, I Memorial Fuente de Anta, in Seville, and the two Euterpe 2008 prizes for best recording and best composition.

He has been principal conductor of various choirs, wind bands and orchestras, including the Unió Musical "l'Aranya" of Albaida (1996-2003), the Societat Musical "La Pau" of Beneixama (2004 - 2007), the Symphony Band of l'Ateneu Musical of Vila Joiosa (2008 - 2011) and the ATRIVM Symphony Orchestra.

He has also been guest conductor for several bands in the Valencia Region, receiving honors and tributes in a number of its towns.

He belongs to the Music and Performing Arts Teaching Corps of the Valencia Regional Government, teaches in the Conducting Department of the Vall d'Albaida Youth Band and is also a teacher at the Superior Conservatory of Music of the Balearic Islands. At the same time as all these activities he also conducts the Agrupació Musical Sta. Cecília of Ador and the Ateneu Musical of Cocentaina.
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