Miguel Asins Arbó was born in 1916 in Barcelona. His family were Valencian and shortly after he was born they returned to the Valencia region, where he trained as a musician and became part of the local musical tradition. He studied composition at the Valencia Conservatory of Music with Manuel Palau and harmony with Pere Sosa, receiving first prize in both subjects.

In 1944 he joined the Army Music Conductors Corps. He gained the post through public examinations and was first in his intake. He retired from the army with the rank of Major and became part of the accompaniment faculty at the Madrid Superior Conservatory of Music.

He composed pieces in a multitude of genres including: orchestra, wind band (making a significant contribution to the Valencian symphonic repertoire for these ensembles), music for cinema, chamber music and songs. He is also the author of two Valencian songbooks: Cancionero Popular de la Valencia de los Años 20 and Cançons velles, músiques novelles.

We pay homage to him on the centenary of his birth.