Sociedad Instructiva Unión Musical de Tavernes de la Valldigna

The Banda Sinfónica de la Sociedad Instructiva Unión Musical de Tavernes de la Valldigna made its debut in 1883, when it was directed by Lorenzo Sanchis.

In 1969 Eduardo Arnau Moreno became director and quickly managed to considerably improve the musical level of the ensemble and get it into Division One of the CIBM. In 1979 it took part in Special Section A (the highest category), which today is the Honorary Division. The next directors of the Band were Pascual Martínez Martínez (2008) and Jose Mauel Beltrán Bisbal (2009). Carlos Revert Espí led the Band from 2011 to 2015, taking part in the CIBM in the Honorary Division in 2013 and 2015. From 2015 to 2019 the director of the Band was Rafael Garrigós García, with whom they took part in the Certamen de la Diputación de Valencia in 2017.

The Banda de la SIUM de Tavernes has attended numerous contests, with their most notable appearances being those at the CIBM de Valencia. Particularly noteworthy are the First Prizes they won in 1996 and 2000; the First Prize in Special Section A in 1989 and the Gold Medal they won at the WMC Kerkrade.

The Banda Sinfónica de Tavernes has performed in many towns and cities in Spain, where they have delivered an impressive level of artistry and musical quality, especially in the Palau de la Música de València. They have also visited various European countries such as Germany, Russia, Italy and Portugal.

Currently the Band has more than 200 federated musicians, and more than 70 of them are professionals who work in conservatories, orchestras and bands across Spain. The Banda Sinfónica has also made numerous recordings.

Currently the Association has more than 800 members which support the educational, artistic and musical endeavors of the Sociedad Instructiva Unión Musical, whose Band has been directed, since June 2020, by the musician from Tavernes, Carlos Sancho Cantus.

Carlos Sancho Cantus

Carlos Sancho Cantus began studying conducting with the prestigious director Cristóbal Soler. He has also attended courses in conducting with Salvador Sebastiá, Alex Schillings, Johan de Meij, Franco Cesarini, Isabelle Ruff-Weber, Laszlo Marosi and Jan Cober, among others. He was a student at the Academia de Dirección Internacional AIDO José Collado and has a degree in Orchestra and Choir Conducting from the Conservatorio Superior “Joaquín Rodrigo” de Valencia.

He has attended four courses in wind band conducting taught by José Rafael Pascual-Vilaplana. He was selected as a visiting student to study conducting at the Leopold Mozart Zentrum in Augsburg (Germany) under the direction of Maurice Hamers. He is currently also studying with the director Miguel Romea.

He has been principal conductor of the Sociedad Musical Santa Cecilia from Fortaleny and the Sociedad Musical la Entusiasta from Benifairó de la Valldigna, with which he won First Prize and Honorable Mention at the Certamen Provincial de la Diputación de Valencia in Division Two in 2022, and the Certamen Autonómico de la Comunitat Valenciana in January 2023. He is currently the director of the SIUM de Tavernes de la Valldigna, with which he won a Gold Medal at the World Music Contest Kerkrade in 2022, in Division One.

He has taken part in numerous conducting contests and won various prizes, including: First Prize in Mezzocorona (2016); the Golden baton at the WMC Kerkrade (2017); First Prize at the “Ciutat de Cullera” (2018); finalist at the “Encuentros de dirección orquestal” with the Banda Municipal de Bilbao (2019 and 2020); semi-finalist at the Warsaw Wind Ensemble Competition (2021); winner of the “Ciudad de Asís”, going on to conduct the Banda Sinfónica de Alicante; as part of a conducting course he led the Banda Municipal de Barcelona; he was a semi-finalist at the Frederick Fennell in Sicily (2023) and won the 2nd Concurso “Xoan Montes” with the Banda Municipal de Santiago de Compostela, which he directed as a guest conductor in 2024.