The origins of the Music Association date back to the 19th century. It was constituted legally
in 1929 when Segundo Mota Serrano, Julio Giner, Vicente Galiana Aparici and José Peris Estruch,
registered a cultural association with the name Unió Protectora Musical.
Its first conductor was Vicente Galiana Aparici, who was followed by José Domingo Nicolás, Ramón
Cerdà Garrido, José Onofre Díez Monzó, Ángel Crespo García and Sergio Navarro Bonaviña. Since 2022
the principal conductor has been Antonio Peris Muñoz..
Its current president is Francisco Villena Sáez who, in March 2022, replaced Ángel Cerdà Garrido,
who was named honorary president in May of the same year.
The Association has a music school which is registered with the Conselleria de Educación de la
Comunitat Valenciana, and has 12 teachers and more than 100 students of all ages who can benefit from
a broad range of musical tuition.
The Banda Sinfónica de la Unió Protectora Musical currently has more than 100 member musicians and,
over the years, has given countless performances at festivals, contests and concerts, both in
Spain and abroad.
The Band has taken part in many competitions—provincial, national and international contests—in which
it has won numerous First Prizes and Honorable Mentions.
Furthermore, the Band has recorded various CDs which reflect their broad repertoire of popular,
lyrical and symphonic music.
Antonio Peris-Muñoz was born in Catarroja, Valencia in 1988. He began studying trumpet at the Sociedad
Unió Musical de Catarroja and later went on to the Conservatorio José Manuel Izquierdo de Catarroja, where
he was taught by maestro Jorge Gorrís and was awarded the Conservatory’s extraordinary end of degree prize
in the specialty of trumpet. He subsequently continued his advanced studies at the Conservatorio Superior
“Salvador Seguí” de Castellón de la Plana, where he was taught by Vicente Campos.
He currently teaches trumpet and wind band and orchestra at the Conservatorio Profesional de Música de
Almussafes, Valencia.
In 2019 he received a scholarship from maestro Riccardo Muti to take part in the Riccardo Muti Academy in Ravenna, Italy.
In February 2018 he graduated with a degree in orchestra conducting from the Milano Music School, where he was taught by
maestro Gilberto Serembe, in Milan, Italy. He continues to follow the advice of his maestro, Rafael Sanz-Espert.
Since January 2018 he has been the principal conductor of the Asociación Cultural “Catachana 82” de Madrigueras, Albacete.
Since January 2022 he has been the principal conductor of the Banda Sinfónica de la Unió Protectora Musical de Vallada, Valencia.
The prizes he has won include First Prizes and an Honorable Mention with the Banda Juvenil de la Unió Musical de Catarroja at the
Certamen Nacional de Alcacer and at the Certamen Automático in Canals, in 2014 and 2015.
In 2022 he won First Prize in Division Two of the 134th Certamen Internacional de Bandas de Música Ciutat de Valencia with the
Banda Sinfònica de la Asociación Músico-Cultural "Catachana 82" de Madrigueras (Albacete) and the prize for the best conductor in
the same edition of the Contest.