María José Catalá Verdet

The Certamen Internacional de Bandas de Música “Ciutat de València” is an unmissable cultural event in our city, one which has been regularly celebrated over the past 136 years.

Created at the end of the 19th century, the Contest began as a way to encourage and display local wind bands and has excelled in meeting these goals as, thanks to our Contest, Valencian musicians are widely known for their excellence and prestige. A true success story.

Soon after entering my post as mayor of Valencia, I charged my team and all relevant departments with the task of giving the Wind Band Contest an unprecedented boost. To meet this objective we have made significant improvements and changes, starting with substantially increasing the event budget and introducing incentives to encourage the participation of bands from all over the world.

I have been immensely pleased to see that our improvements have begun to yield significant results. Participation is, at this time, historic. The CIBM will once again see the participation of many of the best Valencian wind bands.

As a consequence, I am certain that Valencia and its Palau de la Música will be, during July, the world capital of wind band music and that the shared artistic experience we are going to enjoy will be unforgettable. We will fill our streets with music and imbue our city with the spirit of wind band music.

I advise all citizens of Valencia and the countless visitors who will be drawn to our city for this spectacular event to experience and enjoy it in all its intensity.

I will certainly do so. For me, the CIBM will be an opportunity to once again feel the excitement and passion I experienced many years ago when I had the chance to take part in the Contest as the oboe player in my wind band.

I know from my own experience the effort involved in preparing to perform in our Contest for the musicians, music associations and their supporters. So I wish to give my warmest thanks to each and every one of them for their dedication and hard work. Thanks I also wish to extend to all the people and organizations which have made this international event possible.

I look forward to seeing you in the Palau de la Música.

María José Catalá Verdet
Mayoress of Valencia