Centre Artístic Musical De Moncada

The Centre Artístic Musical de Moncada was founded in 1914 to support the wind band which had existed in Moncada since the 19th century. In our premises, pride of place is given to the First Prizes from the Certamen Regional de Bandas Civiles de la Feria de Julio, the Certamen Internacional de Bandas de Música de València—from which the First Prize and Honorable Mention from 1996 are particularly noteworthy—and prizes from the Certamen de la Diputación de València, among many others. Our Band has had many renowned conductors such as Manuel Palau, Miguel Gimeno, José Mª Cervera, Rafael Alabort, Pablo Sánchez Torrella, Àngel Crespo, Francisco Fort Fenollosa and Federico Cuevas.

In the 21st century our Band has taken part in various contests, winning numerous prizes, including First Prize in Division One of the Certamen Provincial de València in 2009, conducted by maestro José Alcácer. It also took part in the Certamen Internacional de València in 2003, 2005 and 2012. In 2016 and 2017 it won various prizes at the Certamen de Benimaclet y Catarroja, directed by maestro Raúl Doménech.

It has also taken part in the “Nuestras Bandas de Música” Festival, the ENSEMS Festival de Música Contemporánea, and recorded CDs and concerts in different venues in the Valencia Region, the rest of Spain and across Europe.

In 2014 our Association was awarded the Medalla de Oro by the Ayuntamiento de Moncada to mark our centenary, and in 2018 it was recognized by the Federación de Sociedades Musicales de la Comunidad Valenciana as one of the music associations which founded the federation.

Our Association has also organized conducting and composition courses with prestigious composers and conductors such as James Barnes and Philip Sparke.

Rafael Pascual Alfonso has been its director since 2019.

Rafael Pascual Alfonso

Rafael Pascual Alfonso was born in Moncada and began studying music at the town’s Centre Artístic Musical. He later studied at the Conservatorio Superior de València and qualified as an advanced teacher of saxophone, sol-fa, music theory, harmony, counterpoint, fugue, composition and analysis. He began his studies in conducting with Francisco Fort Fenollosa and went on to gain qualifications in Advanced Conducting of Choirs and Orchestra.

He gained a degree in Psychology from the Universidad de Valencia and also studied music teaching. He has a doctorate in Music from the Fine Arts Faculty of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. He has lectured about musical education, given educational concerts and talks in auditoriums, and also writes articles for national music magazines.

He was the driving force behind the Conservatorio Profesional "Ciutat de Moncada" and its Director from the year it was founded to 2011.

He has been principal conductor of the Agrupació Musical de Massarrojos, Centre Instructiu Musical d'Alfafar, Lira Carcaixentina de Carcaixent and the Agrupació Musical i Cultural de Teulada. As a guest conductor he has given concerts with the Sociedad Musical del Grao, the Banda Sinfónica Santa Cecilia de Cullera and the "Liebenau Musikverein" of Austria.

He has won the following prizes and professional honors: Honor Prize for Saxophone, Honorary Mention in Choir Conducting, Euterpe Prize for the best academic transcript 2004, First Prize and Honorable Mention at the Certamen Internacional de Valencia 2000, First Prize and Honorable Mention at the same contest in 2001, and the Best Conductor Prize at the Certamen Internacional de Aranda de Duero 2009. In 2013 he gained a place, through public examination, in the musician pool of the Banda Municipal de Palma de Mallorca. In 2023 he was named a musical ambassador for the town of Teulada-Moraira.

He currently teaches analysis and musical language at the Conservatorio "Ciutat de Moncada". He continues his charitable music project with the “OSNA” symphonic orchestra and is the director of the Banda Sinfónica del Centre Artístic Musical de Moncada.