Centre Estudi Musical d'Almàssera

Historically, Almàssera is a town which has been associated with agriculture. Its musical tradition dates back to March 1907 when the first music association was created within the farmers’ association. Although this initial group disappeared between March and August 1923, it was the seed of today’s association.

In 1940, thanks to the work of a group of older musicians, a new wind band was created in Almàssera, which led to the foundation of the Centre Estudi Musical on 20 August 1948.

Since then the Band has taken part in numerous festivals, contests and tours. The highlights of its many performances include: giving concerts all over Spain; taking part in the World Music Contest Kerkrade 1993, where it won First Prize in Division Three; and winning Second Prize in Division Three at the Certamen de Murcia in 2008.

ince its earliest days, the Association has had a music school with the aim of promoting and spreading the love, teaching and practice of music to new generations. Today, more than a hundred students guarantee the future of the Association.

Unquestionably a landmark in Almàssera’s public and cultural life, in 1995 the Musical was awarded the Medalla de Plata al Mérito de las Bellas Artes from the Minsitry of Culture; in 2016, it was recognized by the Ayuntamiento de Almàssera as a Bien de Interés Municipal; and last year, as part of the celebrations for its 75th anniversary, it received the Medalla de Plata from the Federació de Societats Musicals de la Comunitat Valenciana, as well as good wishes and congratulations from the King and Queen of Spain, the Spanish Ministry of Culture and the President of the Diputación de València.

Rioja Torres

Vicent Rioja Torres began studying music in the Banda Primitiva de Llíria and went on to the conservatories of Riba-roja and Llíria, the Conservatorio Superior de València and the Real Conservatorio Superior de Madrid, where he received his qualifications as an advanced music teacher in the specialty of trombone. At these institutions he was taught by renowned figures such as Francisco Ramos Rioja, Enrique Rioja Lis, Rafael Tortajada, Ricardo Casero and Rogelio Igualada.

As a performer, the groups he has worked with include the Banda Municipal, the Orquesta Municipal and Orquesta Sinfónica de València; and the Orquesta Sinfónica de Barcelona and Nacional de Catalunya. He has been conducted by illustrious musicians such as Antoni Ros Marba, Plácido Domingo, Rafael Frubeck de Burgos, Manuel Galduf, Josep Pons and Enrique García Asensio.

He teaches at the conservatories of Xàbia and Silla, and at the Escuela del Centre Estudi Musical d’Almàssera. Moreover, from 2019 to 2022 he directed the Escuela de la Banda Primitiva de Llíria.

He was trained as a conductor by Pablo Sánchez Torrella, Enrique García Asensio, Rafael Talens, Vicente Soler i Solano and José Rafael Pasqual Vilaplana. He has conducted “La Lírica” de Silla, the Centre Artístic Musical de Xàbia and the wind band of the Xàbia conservatory. He currently directs the Banda Juvenil and Banda Sinfónica of the Centre Estudi Musical d’Almàssera.

Leading these ensembles from Almàssera, he has travelled all over Valencia and Spain. He has taken part in two editions of the Concurso de Bandas Juveniles “Memorial Francisco Fort” de Moncada; and has organized thematic and commemorative concerts such as that to mark the Association’s 75th anniversary last November, where he premiered his composition “Llaurant la música”, a pasodoble to celebrate this event.