Agrupació Filharmònica Borrianenca

There are documentary records of the Agrupació Filharmònica Borrianenca which date back to 1910 and contain a reference to the Banda de la Societat Filharmònica Borrianenca. In 1959 the members of this band decided to change its name to the “Banda de Música Santa Cecilia”.

In 1986 the Banda Santa Cecilia changed its name again to the “Banda Sociedad Filarmónica Burrianense”. At this time its director was Agustín Lucas Sanahuja. Salvador Sebastià López conducted the Band with great success in contests in 1987 and 1997, which led to the formation of the “Agrupació Filharmònica Borrianenca” and a change in the musical and artistic direction of the Banda Sinfónica. Francesc Xavier Piquer i García became the director. This was also when the Association’s Youth Band and Orchestra were founded. In 2000 the Band won First Prize at the Certamen Provincial de Bandas de Castellón in Division One, and Second Prize at the Certamen Internacional de Bandas de Valencia. In 2004, maestro Luis Tur Gómez became the Band’s conductor.

In 2008 the Orquesta Sinfónica had been consolidated as a section of the Association and the music school was founded, the origins of which date back to when the Orquesta Joven was created. Currently these sections are directed by Víctor Yusá and Pedro Gilabert respectively.

In 2016, Norma Comes Vidal, one of the Association’s musicians and a teacher at the Conservatorio Profesional de Castellón, became the director of the Banda Joven and Banda Sinfónica. Under her baton the Banda Sinfónica de la Agrupació Filharmònica Borrianenca has taken part in numerous themed concerts, soloist concerts, and concerts in collaboration with other internationally-renowned music ensembles. Particularly notable is the participation of the Banda Sinfónica in the Certamen Internacional de Benavente, where it won Third Prize.

Norma Comes Vidal

Norma Comes Vidal was born in Burriana (Castellón). She studied music at the Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Castellón, before going on to the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Valencia, where she obtained the highest possible grades. Subsequently she completed postgraduate studies at the Taller de Música Joven de Valencia, taught by Joan Enric Lluna. She also gained a master’s degree in Musical Esthetics and Creativity from the Universidad de Valencia. She attended master classes taught by Walter Boeykens, Anthony Gigliotti, Enrique Pérez Piquer, Djew Dower, José Luis Estellés, Anthony Pay and Kart Leister, among others. She was a member of the Joven Orquesta Valenciana and the Joven Orquesta Nacional de España, and a reserve member of the Joven Orquesta Europea Gustav Mahler and the Jove Orquestra de Catalunya.

In the field of chamber music she has formed part of the Mozart Clarinet Quartet; the Opus 114 violin, clarinet and piano trio; the Claus Quintet; and she has collaborated on various occasions with other chamber ensembles such as Cambra XX and Cambra 3, among others. In the field of teaching, she has tutored at the conservatories of Segorbe (Castellón), Vall d'Uixó (Castellón), Buñol (Valencia), Requena (Valencia), Torrente (Valencia) and at the Conservatorio Superior de Castellón. In 2002 she obtained a place, through public examination, in the Music and Scenic Arts Teacher Corps of the Conselleria de Educación de la Generalitat Valenciana.

In the field of conducting, she has studied with José Rafael Pascual-Vilaplana, at the EMUSVALL school. Here she also studied analysis, instrumentation and orchestra, taught by Ramón García Soler and Tomás Gilabert, among others. She has also completed courses taught by Llorenç Mendoza, Tony Scholl, Thomas Doss and Douglas Bostock.

She currently teaches at the Conservatorio Profesional de Castellón and is the director of the Asociación Musical Castalia de Castellón and the Agrupació Filharmònica Borrianenca de Burriana (Castellón).