Sociedade Musical de Pevidém

Founded in October 1894 in Pevidém, the Sociedade Musical de Pevidém is today an institution of recognized cultural and artistic merit. Since 2007, Vasco Silva de Faria has been its artistic director. Since February 2009, it is a Public Utility Institution, "for the relevant services provided to the community."

In 1994, on the occasion of its I Centenary, the Sociedade Musical de Pevidém was distinguished by the Guimarães City Council with the Gold Medal for Associative Merit. It participated in the "Opening Show" of Guimarães 2012 - European Capital of Culture (CEC), where it performed with the group "La Fura dels Baus".

In 2016, already with the band, it participated in the Opening Concert of the 25th Edition of Guimarães Jazz, along with L.U.M.E. - Lisbon Underground Music Ensemble.

In 2015, the band of the Sociedad Musical Pevidém participates in the international competition XVI Certamen Internacional de Bandas "Vila de Aranda", in Spain, where it obtains the 1st Prize and its conductor, Vasco Silva de Faria, is also awarded the prize of Best Conductor of the Contest.

Already in 2018, it obtained the 3rd prize in the 1st division in the XII Certamen Galego de Bandas, being the first non-Galician band to participate and be awarded in this event. In 2019, the Banda de Música Pevidém won 2nd prize in the 46th Certamen Internacional Bandas Villa de Altea.

The Sociedade Musical de Pevidém discography includes two vinyl recordings, six studio albums, one live recording and several concert DVDs.

On October 15, 2016, the Academia de Música Comendador Albano Abreu Coelho Lima was inaugurated together with the Guimarães City Hall.

Vasco Silva de Faria

Vasco Silva de Faria was born October 18, 1978, Guimarães. He is a trumpet player, teacher, conductor and artistic director. He has a PhD in Music and Musicology - Interpretation from the Universidad de Évora, a Master's in Child Studies - Music Education from the Universidad de Minho and a Master's in Music Teaching from the Universidad Católica. He graduated in Trumpet from ESMAE, as well as from the Instrumentalist Course in Artave as a disciple of Kevin Wauldron, Stephen Mason and Pierre Dutot.

He began his musical studies in 1988 with his father, Sidónio de Faria and Manuel Silva, joining the Sociedad Musical Pevidém (SMP) and the Orfeão Coelima the following year.

He is the Artistic Director of the SMP and its Band, since 2007, and of the Orquestra Juvenil de Pevidém, of which he was the founder in 1999.

He conducted the SMP Band in the Opening Show together with the group "La Fura dels Baus", the Foundation's Studio Orchestra with soloist Jorge Almeida, in the Guimarães2012 - CEC.

In 2015 he was distinguished with the Best Director Award at the XVI CIB de Aranda de Duero and with the Voto de Elogio from the Guimarães City Hall and the Pevidém Parish Council.

He also won the 3rd Prize in the 1st division with the Band in the XII Certamen Galego de Bandas, in 2018, and the 2nd Prize in the 46th CIBM Villa de Altea, in 2019.

He is Profesor Invitado Equivalente at the Music Department of the Universidad de Minho and a professor at the Guimarães Conservatory.

He is the Pedagogical Director of the Academia de Música Comendador Albano Abreu Coelho Lima. In 2022, the Guimarães City Council awarded him the Gold Medal for Artistic Merit.