Banda Artístico Cultural de Montaverner

The Banda Artístico-Cultural de Montaverner (BACM) was created in 1987 thanks to the enthusiasm of 20 musicians. The BACM is highly active: throughout its 40-year history it has given four concerts a year.

Since its beginnings the Artístico-Cultural has participated in the traditional Moros y Crtistianos festivities in Ontinyent, Albaida, l'Olleria, Montaverner, Aielo de Malferit, Alfarrasí, Elche and Dénia, among others. It has also performed in Fallas festivities in València, Benifaió, Catarroja, Massanassa and Alfafar, as well as the Shrovetide celebrations in Vilanova i la Geltrú.

Their achievements in the field of festive music include:

  • - 1997: First Prize in the band entrance in Albaida.
  • - 2012: First Prize in the band entrance in Aielo de Malferit.
  • - 2015: First Prize in the band entrance in Aielo de Malferit.
  • - 2023: First Prize in 3 different band entrances, a unique achievement as no band had done it before.
    • - 05/08/23: First Prize in the band entrance in Aielo de Malferit.
    • - 25/08/23: First Prize in the band entrance in Ontinyent.
    • - 02/09/23: First Prize in the band entrance in Olleria.

In 1990 the Band took part in the 14th Certamen Provincial de Bandas de Música de la Diputación de València.

In 1997, to celebrate its tenth anniversary, the BACM organized the 7th Diada Musical de la Vall d'Albaida.

In 2017 it won First Prize with Honorable Mention at the 41st Certamen Provincial de Bandas de Música.

Also in 2017, it won First Prize and Honorable Mention at the 39th Certamen de Bandas de la Comunitat Valenciana.

In September 2019 it gave a concert as part of the “València és Música” program for the local television channel ÀPunt.

In 2022 it won Third Prize at the 6th Certamen de Música Festera de Agosto.

Currently the BACM has 68 musicians, its own music school with 50 students and a youth band with 35 musicians.

Úbeda Soler

Toni Úbeda Soler was born in Albaida in 1991. During his early musical training he was taught by Mario Roig Vila and obtained a professional degree and the end of degree prize

He also has a degree in Trombone, taught by Mario Calvo Ponce, and a degree in Orchestra Conducting, taught by José Miguel Rodilla and Luis Pedrón Francés at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Murcia “Manuel Massotti Littel”. He is currently continuing his training at the Academia Orquestal de Dirección Opus 23 in Madrid, with the teachers and conductors Miguel Romea and Andrés Salado.

He is currently the first trombone of the València Brass Band and teaches trombone at various music schools.

As a conductor he has won: First Prize and the Special Audience Award at the Concurso Nacional de Dirección “Maestro Galindo” with the Asociación Banda de Música de Calasparra; Third Prize at the Certamen Nacional de Música Festera de Agosto; First Prize at the Certamen de Bandas Juveniles de Beniarrés; and First Prize at the Certamen de Bandas Juveniles de Moncada.

He has also conducted the Orquesta Sinfónica Caixa Ontinyent, the Banda del Conservatorio Superior de Música de Murcia “Manuel Masstti Littel”, the Joven Orquesta de la Comunidad de Madrid, the Sociedad Musical Santa Cecilia del Camp de Mirra, the Unió Musical Benicadell de Castelló de Rugat and the Unió Musical Benissodense.

He is currently principal conductor of the Banda Artístico Cultural de Montaverner and the Banda Associació Unió Musical de Bocairent, and artistic director of the Banda Comarcal FSMCV Vall d’Albaida.