Associació Amics de la
Música de Benifaió

The Associació Amics de la Música de Benifaió (AMUS) was created in 2012, emerging as a youth band with a desire to grown and offer quality music. From its earliest days it has taken part in various festivals and contests such as the Certamen de Moncada de Bandas Jóvenes, where it won the Audience Award and Third Prize in Divisions One and Two, respectively, and the Certamen de la Villa de Aranda.

Since it joined the Federación de Bandas de la Comunitat Valenciana in 2014, the Band has been involved in music exchanges with other towns in the province of Valencia, broadening its exposure and collaborative work with other ensembles.

In Benifaió the Band gives outstanding concerts throughout the year such as the Christmas Concert, the Santa Cecilia Concert or the concert for the local festivities, as well as taking part in local parades and processions. The Associació has a music school named after Pascual Martinez Llopis which has close to 200 students. The school constantly provides the Band with new talent and also has a youth band and a children’s band.

One of the main objectives of the AMUS is to make it easier for those from all parts of society to access music education, offering affordable, quality music lessons for students of all ages. With this aim, its work becomes a fundamental way to promote a love of music and artistic development in the local community.

Vicent Villar Blasco

Vicent, who is originally from Benifaió, began studying music at the age of 6, taught by Juan Antonio Fenollar, a soloist of the Banda Municipal de València. He gained his professional degree from the Conservatorio de Carcaixent where he was taught be Salvador Navarro, and his advanced degree at the Conservatorio de Castellón where he was taught by Juan Esteban Romero and Juan Carlos la Cruz.

At the age of 18 he joined his first military wind band: the Banda Inmemorial del Rey, under the baton of Abel Moreno. He then went on to the Banda de Música de la Academia General Militar in Zaragoza and, in 2005, he passed public examinations to gain a permanent place in the Banda de Música Militar del CGTAD in Valencia.

As a clarinetist he has studied with renowned musicians such as Vicent Alòs, Jose Vicent Herrera, Enrique Pérez, Roy Jowitt and Reinhart Weiser. Moreover, as a wind band conductor, he has been taught by greats such as José Colomina and José Rafael Pascual Vilaplana.

His military service has been rewarded with honorary medals such as the "Cruz a la constancia en el servicio de bronce" and the "Cruz al mérito militar con distintivo blanco".

In the field of music education, Vicent has taught clarinet at various schools, including the Escuela Municipal de Illueca and the Escuela Municipal de Villanueva de Gallego, among others. He is currently Director of the Banda Sinfónica de la Associació Amics de la Música de Benifaió (AMUS), a clarinet teacher at the Escuela de Música de Sollana, and First Clarinet in the Banda Militar de València.

His dedication to the AMUS is seen in his work as a clarinet teacher in our music school, demonstrating his continuing commitment to music education and passion for performance.